A hard-gainer's 20 pound challenge

Looking for a little external motivation to help this hard-gainer make another twenty pounds...

Monday, July 31, 2006

Top Blogs that I run into when I type "weight training" as search criterium

Mostly advertisment to try and milk my dollars. Plus there's the picture of a big muscly guy grinning with that staged smile... Not really sure that I like it much. The only thing is that there seems to be a decent amount of semi-info on the site.
Do you have any thoughts on it?

Weight Training Blog
Another fellow on blogspot. That's kind of a nice thing to see.
Too bad it wasn't particularly interesting - just some guy yakking about how his day is going... That and all the details of his particular work-out. Oh well...

Dave Draper's Site
Well, here's a guy with serious bodybuilding pedigree. Does that mean that his site's great? Such was the question to answer...
Actually, it's not a bad site. He's got loads of information and a weekly column that appears to actually be updated. Sure he's trying to sell all sorts of stuff - but he was a bodybuilder by profession. And to be fair, he did pretty damned well at it, so why not?

'Weight Training Info'
Or so it states. Actually, this is the most irritating of the sites so far. Blantantly trying to sell stuff with no interactivity and with articles pilfered from elsewhere. A pass, if ever I've seen one.

Strength Training Woman
Okay, so I'm not a woman, but the site looked okay. More looking confirms the original look. It's definitely trying to sell stuff - actually, I haven't run into a site yet that isn't, but it offers some good content on top of that.

Just my two bits, and that's all for the moment, and back to the real world I go!


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