A hard-gainer's 20 pound challenge

Looking for a little external motivation to help this hard-gainer make another twenty pounds...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Funny Thing About the Internet

You know, today I thought I'd have a little look around the internet
to see what I could see. Like maybe there were other hardgainers like
me blogging or lots of sites to point me in good directions...
Couldn't find one good blog (if you've got one, comment with the
link!). Found a few decent sites, but nothing to really get me going.

There's an adage about the internet that says something about
information being no substitute for knowledge. Seriously. Lots of
info and lots of people selling stuff - most of it not targeted to
actual hardgainers like myself.

BTW - Hardgainer means that I can eat like crazy and not build muscle
mass. It seems to be the case, although I'm going to see if I can
turn that all around :-)


Blogger Loren said...

looky looky!

The post from my email came in - almost a week late... Pardon me if I don't quite understand the delay.

So much for singing the body electric and interconnectivity and on and on...

What really gets me going is that both blogger and gmail are run by google. It's the same company. Imagine if I'd sent from somewhere else.


10:32 a.m.  

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