A hard-gainer's 20 pound challenge

Looking for a little external motivation to help this hard-gainer make another twenty pounds...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

First day so far...

Well, the details of the process are:

Rests between sets were between 30 seconds and 1 min 30 seconds.

Started off with a little Bench Pressing. 3 sets - 8, 6, and 10 reps with 200lbs, 200lbs, and 155lbs respectively.

Then I tried to do two sets of ten chin-ups - wide-grip first, and classic second. The second set was more like a sequence of 6 (15 second rest) 2 (15 second rest) final 2. Tough.

And finally, two sets of 30 knee-elbow alternating crunches on a bosu ball.

And that's all for today folks. I know it sounds like a pretty tiny workout, but it was hard. Plus, if it turns out that I don't feel that day-after burn I can always do more next time.

Thing is, as a hardgainer, fast and hard work-outs seem to work a little better than long calorie-sucking workouts.

I'll look into the research out there, see if there's any information I can drum up to support these choices in getting me where I want to go. I know I've read something to the effect, but I'll see if I can find a real study to back up my thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had me a long, calorie-sucking work out on Saturday: cycled from Devon to just 20km shy of Sylvan Lake, at which point my brother met me on the road as he arranged to come pick me up, wherever I was, that evening.

I bought a heart-rate monitor which was fab motivation. In all: 6.5 hrs of cycling, 2,900 calories burned, an ave. heart rate of 140 bpm and 120km covered. I was on my sister-in-law's mountain bike so not really conducive to fast road touring but it felt great to be cycling hard-core again.

Something about your posts really motivates me. I feel the desire to share my small steps towards health and wellbeing, especially since I'm battling a pretty debilitating intestinal parasite I picked up in Europe. Will be in Etown for another month, until I know it's been destroyed and my gut restored to pristine health.

So thanks for bearing with me, Loren. Hope your workouts continue to challenge you, and that your heavy eating schedule proves enough to pack on the muscles. I know it will.


1:05 p.m.  
Blogger Loren said...

Awesome to hear from you Jodes!

Hmm. Wonder if I might actually *hear* from you sometime soon :-)

Sounds like a wild ride across the hot windswept prairie. And I'm glad to hear that you're back to your hardcore ways :-) Hope the gut heals up soon and, as always, great to hear from you.

(Maybe it'll be me giving you the call then, eh?)

9:20 p.m.  

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