A hard-gainer's 20 pound challenge

Looking for a little external motivation to help this hard-gainer make another twenty pounds...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Days 8 and 9

Seems I missed a post yesterday... not particularly good of me.

I also missed some exercises - a whole bunch in fact.

Got a bunch of them in today.
So, where am I at? Went to the dentist today... (digressing, stick with me) He thought I was such great company that he wants to see me again tomorrow. He wants to see me for another two hours. Two hours happens to be roughly the amount of time necessary to freeze half of my face, pull out two wisdom teeth (one of which, very unwisely, cracked and is rotten to the core - a kind of rebel-tooth without a clue) and rework some fillings. Convenient.


Anyhow back to the exercises.
Yesterday -
bicep curls 30lbs, 3 sets, 10-10-6 reps
Today -
Standing Tricep Extension 35lbs, 2 sets, 10 reps each
Arnold Press, 45lbs, 2 sets, 10 reps each
Lateral/Forward Raises, 15lbs, 2 sets, 7 reps (each direction)
Squat-Jumps, 2 sets, 10 jumps
Bench-Up Calf Jumps, 2 sets, 10 jumps

Don't know quite how tomorrow's going to work out. You know, I didn't intend to get dental work done... Tomorrow is another day, I suppose.


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