A hard-gainer's 20 pound challenge

Looking for a little external motivation to help this hard-gainer make another twenty pounds...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Days 10 and 11

And in the blink of an eye a pretty good week went in the direction of abyssmal. Actually, that all sounds pretty negative, and I didn't really feel all that negative, so... Not abyssmal, quite. It's more like I got my face reconfigured by a dentist, and it had/has me slipping a little off the bandwagon. I'll be back in fine form ASAP. Or so I keep telling myself.

Basically, it's hard to eat enough when you're limited to cold or warm mushy things. That and when said mushy things take decades to consume, you have the choice between spending all day wedded to spoon and bowl of mush, or going hungry some of the time.

Practicality says...

Back on track soon!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Days 8 and 9

Seems I missed a post yesterday... not particularly good of me.

I also missed some exercises - a whole bunch in fact.

Got a bunch of them in today.
So, where am I at? Went to the dentist today... (digressing, stick with me) He thought I was such great company that he wants to see me again tomorrow. He wants to see me for another two hours. Two hours happens to be roughly the amount of time necessary to freeze half of my face, pull out two wisdom teeth (one of which, very unwisely, cracked and is rotten to the core - a kind of rebel-tooth without a clue) and rework some fillings. Convenient.


Anyhow back to the exercises.
Yesterday -
bicep curls 30lbs, 3 sets, 10-10-6 reps
Today -
Standing Tricep Extension 35lbs, 2 sets, 10 reps each
Arnold Press, 45lbs, 2 sets, 10 reps each
Lateral/Forward Raises, 15lbs, 2 sets, 7 reps (each direction)
Squat-Jumps, 2 sets, 10 jumps
Bench-Up Calf Jumps, 2 sets, 10 jumps

Don't know quite how tomorrow's going to work out. You know, I didn't intend to get dental work done... Tomorrow is another day, I suppose.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Day... not really sure what day it is...

That's probably because it's getting later at night.

I had to improvise a little with my training today, but it should still do the job. It was a chest and back day, which is a good thing (because it's short and because I didn't get to the gym).

I went and did chin-ups (10,8,6,6,4)
I also did 1-handed push-ups - 2 sets of 10
And finished off with slow (ten count down, ten count up) wide push-ups - two sets of 5

Not exactly gym-worthy, but I'll let you know tomorrow whether it was enough (and I think it was).

Good-night and we'll chat again tomorrow.

PS - had a look at an interesting site on jumping. If you get the chance, have a look at it and tell me what you think.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Day 6 - still nothing

But then, I said yesterday that today was going to be a nothing day. Not quite nothing if food factors into the something of things, and with a toothache I think that food is a very significant thing.

The short of that, then, is that I'm eating carefully today. I'm finding food sources that work and using them.

That and today I went with my sister-in-law to support her at the ste agathe triathlon. I've been acting as her coach in some capacity for the past couple months (not really enough) and can't wait to see how it all pans out :-)